A ‘finer poshuter Yid,’ needs all finer poshuter Yidden everywhere!
The horrific Coronavirus plague struck a deadly blow to the Gurewicz Family. Before Pesach, Rabbi Shalom Gurewicz, a 56-year-old husband and father of 6, lost his life, an innocent victim of COVID-19.
Reb Shalom was a fine, pure, and gentle soul, an inspiring influence to any and all.
For many years, Rabbi Gurewicz served as the rabbinical coordinator for the Kof-K Kosher supervision in Chicago and the midwest. He was instrumental in ensuring that we all benefited from the highest standards of Kashrus.
His family needs your support NOW. Your contribution will literally save a family from even more suffering!
Your support is vital.
The family is struggling with significant expenses and debts.
Please give generously to help the family during this incredibly difficult period.
You will make a difference in the lives of a grieving widow and grief-stricken children.
A fund has been established to help cover the personal financial needs of the family, both during this difficult time, as well as for their future.
The funds will be managed with the guidance of financial professionals, to ensure the long-term financial security of Shalom’s family.
We ask that you open your heart and give generously, and may we share only good news and Simchas.
Rabbi Baruch Hertz
Chabad Anash Mara D’Asra
Assoc. Chabad Rabbis of Illinois
Cong. Bnei Ruven
Rabbi Meir Moscowitz
Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois
Rabbi Baruch Epstein
Congregation Bais Menachem
This fund is administered by the following individuals. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the committee.
Contact: (773) 398.6959
Email: [email protected]